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Dinosaur King Trading Cards - Starter Deck and BoosterPack

Dinosaur King Trading Cards - Starter Deck and BoosterPack

Dinosaur King is the rare and retro trading card game and we're one of the last places to find it.

Sega brought us this fun game, originally a console game first exposed in JAMMA 2005 and later became available on Nintendo DS. An animated series was also released in 2008 called Ancient Ruler Dinosaur King DKidz Adventure along with a sequel, Ancient Ruler Dinosaur King DKidz Adventure: Pterosaur Legend.

Once again, the creativeness of the Japanese brought this fun animation and game to our TV’s, consoles and hands. Each card is unique including its basic information. The rare cards are becoming rarer and turning into collectors items. We're one of the last places to stock the cards, and at a great price! You can pick up a starter deck or booster pack from us and start or continue to build your collection today.